

Toon shaders are implmented using Custom Lighting instead having predetermined outputs like the PBR Lit graph. This allows for much more control which is generally needed with toon.

For the most optimized shaders and more control over the material it is recommended to use one shader per material by using the generated material. This also works well with Live Previews. Options like outlines can't be controlled on the material so this way you can also enable them at the shader generation level. Image

Sample Shader

You can start by modifying the sample Create -> Graphlit -> Toon Graph or fully implmenet it from scratch.

Flat Lit

Use the Color output of the Toon Light node. This node is based on Open Lit and returns averaged color of light probes and lights, which can be used as a base for toon shading. This is already a fully functioning shader. Enable Apply Shadows to receive realtime shadows. Image

Shadow Layers

Add the Toon Shadow Layers node. Image


Enable outlines on the master node and use the Outline Scale node to scale them based on vertex normals. Use the Outline Pass Branch to customize the outputs of the outline pass. This can be used for example to set a different color for outlines from the base pass. Image

Stylized Specular

Connect the Stylized Specular node to the Toon Light and output to Specular Image


Using the Transclipping rendering mode you can fix certain transparency issues. This mode allows receiving shadows.

Audio Link

Use it to adjust any variable.