Master Node

Master Node

This is the main node where all settings, properties and target features can be adjusted.

All vertex ports (Position, Normal, Tangent) are in absolute World Space, to avoid unnecessary conversion from world, to object, back to world again. Use a transform node to convert from object to world when needed.

Target Options

  • Shader Name Name used for the generated shader
  • Custom Editor Set a Custom Editor (opens in a new tab). Default editor used when empty
  • Fallback Set a Fallback (opens in a new tab)
  • Graph Precision Default precision used for nodes. Some nodes override this and use full precision by default
  • Default Preview Default preview mode used when creating a new node. Disable for the best performance
  • Include A string included after default includes. Supports multiple lines
  • Outline Pass Creates a copy of the first pass in the target. Use Outline Pass Branch node to control outputs for this pass
  • Stencil Add stencil options on the material

Shader Properties

Use +/- to add or remove properties.


Created properties appear in the Create Node menu under the MaterialProperties section

Lit Target

Graph Options

  • Normal Set Normal dropoff for the fragment shader
  • Specular Disable Specular Highlighs and Reflections

Material Features

  • Bakery Mono SH
  • Lightmapped Specular
  • Bicubic Lightmap

Unlit Target

  • Enable Custom Lighting toggle on the master node to generate passes and all required keywords for lighting