Features Overview
These features are shared across all variants crated with this system.
Accurate PBR Shading
Updated lighting functions from Filament (opens in a new tab). This improves fresnel of the material, especially on metallic materials, with energy compensationBakery Mono SH
Mono SH lightmaps have a higher normal map contrast compared to unity directional lightmaps Bakery Docs (opens in a new tab)Lightmapped Specular
Create specular highlights based on directional lightmaps. This is a good cheap alternative to realtime lights in VRChat because of built-in pipeline limitations. Works well with Mono SH.Lightmap Specular Occlusion
Lightmap intensity used for occluding reflection probes for reduced reflections in dark areasLightmapped Area Light Specular Approximation
reduced smoothness in areas where there is less directionality for more accurate lightmapped specular Frostbite (opens in a new tab)Geometric Specular AA
Modifies smoothness depending on geometry to reduce specular shimmering GSAA (opens in a new tab)Box Projection on Quest
Enables box projection on android, even if its disabled in the unity projectAlpha to Coverage
Anti-alias edges of cutout materials Ben Golus (opens in a new tab)Improved Parallax
Increased Parallax steps countBicubic Lightmap
Smoother lightmap at the small cost of sampling it multiple times and performing bicubic filtering in the shader Bakery Docs (opens in a new tab)Emission Multiply Base
Multiply Emission with AlbedoEmission GI Multiplier
Adjusts emission intensity used for baking lightmaps in the Meta passNon-Important lights per pixel
Cheaper real-time lights done in one pass. Does not work with lightmapped object. To use this select a light and set mode to non-importantCentroid Lightmap UVs
Fix for lightmap bleeding with very tight packingRealtime Area lights
LTCGI (opens in a new tab), Area Lit (opens in a new tab)Anisotropy
Supports Tangent maps. You can export tangent maps in substance painter with Anisotropy Conversion Generator (opens in a new tab)Shader Config
A very customizable way of enabling/disabling existing features globally in the project for all shader variants