Features Overview

Features Overview

These features are shared across all variants crated with this system.

  • Accurate PBR Shading Updated lighting functions from Filament (opens in a new tab). This improves fresnel of the material, especially on metallic materials, with energy compensation
  • Bakery Mono SH Mono SH lightmaps have a higher normal map contrast compared to unity directional lightmaps Bakery Docs (opens in a new tab)
  • Lightmapped Specular Create specular highlights based on directional lightmaps. This is a good cheap alternative to realtime lights in VRChat because of built-in pipeline limitations. Works well with Mono SH.
  • Lightmap Specular Occlusion Lightmap intensity used for occluding reflection probes for reduced reflections in dark areas
  • Lightmapped Area Light Specular Approximation reduced smoothness in areas where there is less directionality for more accurate lightmapped specular Frostbite (opens in a new tab)
  • Geometric Specular AA Modifies smoothness depending on geometry to reduce specular shimmering GSAA (opens in a new tab)
  • Box Projection on Quest Enables box projection on android, even if its disabled in the unity project
  • Alpha to Coverage Anti-alias edges of cutout materials Ben Golus (opens in a new tab)
  • Improved Parallax Increased Parallax steps count
  • Bicubic Lightmap Smoother lightmap at the small cost of sampling it multiple times and performing bicubic filtering in the shader Bakery Docs (opens in a new tab)
  • Emission Multiply Base Multiply Emission with Albedo
  • Emission GI Multiplier Adjusts emission intensity used for baking lightmaps in the Meta pass
  • Non-Important lights per pixel Cheaper real-time lights done in one pass. Does not work with lightmapped object. To use this select a light and set mode to non-important
  • Centroid Lightmap UVs Fix for lightmap bleeding with very tight packing
  • Realtime Area lights LTCGI (opens in a new tab), Area Lit (opens in a new tab)
  • Anisotropy Supports Tangent maps. You can export tangent maps in substance painter with Anisotropy Conversion Generator (opens in a new tab)
  • Shader Config A very customizable way of enabling/disabling existing features globally in the project for all shader variants