

  • Easily customizable custom function nodes
  • Highest quality node previews - Previews rendered directly into the rect of the shader node. 3D previews are spheres rendered on a quad with all mesh data created in the fragment shader for highest quality.
  • Great performance - You can disable previews by default to achieve the maximum performance for large graphs.
  • Maximized workspace area with a simple design - The graph view takes up the entire editor window, while only selecting nodes enables an element for additional settings.
  • Register/Fetch variable nodes - Wirelessly connect nodes without cluttering the graph view.
  • Custom material inspector - Handles some basic things like setting up transparency modes, drawing vector fields correctly, foldouts etc.
  • Node hotkeys
  • Varyings packing - All varyings are packed when possible. For example using uv1 and uv0 nodes will only create one float4 varying and pack them in xy and zw components.
  • Grabpass - Created when using the screen color node.
  • Outline - Duplicates the first pass of the target and inverts cull, you can use the outline pass branch node to adjust the outline.
  • Geometric Specular Anti-Aliasing